

January 5th, 2018|

Three Simple Things You Must Remember After a Motor Vehicle Accident

People are always reminded to drive safely, and yet motor vehicle accidents happen every day.  Being safe behind the wheel should always be top of mind, but accidents can happen to anyone on the road at any given time.  That is why, aside from carefully observing traffic rules, you have to be prepared in the [...]

July 6th, 2017|

Landlord Tenant Law

The landlord/tenant relationship permeates the economy of the United States. A common form of property ownership or property holding, this form of property rights and responsibilities touches all residents of the United States as their own form of property occupation or at the very least as the form enjoyed by thJudge gavel and a houseeir [...]

July 6th, 2017|

Alcohol And Energy Drinks Cause Increased Rates Of Drunk Driving

Recent studies have shown that mixing alcohol with energy drinks increases the chances of drinking and driving. In one study, individuals were given a drink containing either Redbull and vodka or vodka and a none caffeinated Redbull. A masking agent was used to camouflage the taste of Redbull (a common energy drink) to insure individuals [...]

July 4th, 2017|

Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently reported that in 2013, the nation lost 32,719 people in motor vehicle traffic crashes and an additional 2.3 million people were injured. https://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/Pubs/13WPPP.pdf The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration was established by the Highway Safety Act of 1970 and is dedicated to achieving the highest standards of excellence [...]